Children of Morta: Paws and Claws

Children of Morta: Paws and Claws 4776-children-of-morta-profile_1DLC, pro hraní vyžaduje tuto plnou hruChildren of Morta
Steam (PC)
CZ, SK | Ověřit jinou zemi
Typ distribuce
Elektronická (aktivační klíč)
11 bit studios
Datum vydání
24. 08. 2020
Akční, Dobrodružné, Nezávislé, RPG
Přidat do košíku
  • 96 Kč
  • 79 Kč bez DPH
  • Skladem
  • Předpokládané dodání do 5 minut (maximálně do 4 hodin) od potvrzení platby

Nákupem získáte elektronickou licenci pro hru Children of Morta: Paws and Claws.

Anglický popis hry Children of Morta: Paws and Claws

Notice: 100% of 11 bit studios and Dead Mage's proceeds go to the Humane Society International charity!

Hunters of the night, creatures of the day. They howl, growl, hiss and grumble - but more than anything, they feel and think in a similar way that we all do. And their lives are as precious as ours. This DLC adds new features to the game - like the Animal Shelter System, new boosts, animations and events - but it actually does far more than that. It directly helps the animals in need - not those virtual, but the real ones. 100% of 11 bit studios and Dead Mage proceeds from Paws and Claws DLC go to the Humane Society International charity, whose main mission is to help animals all over the world.


Children of Morta: Paws and Claws galerie